
Are CBD Gummies Legal In Ireland ?

Are CBD Gummies Legal in Ireland ?

Are CBD Gummies Legal in Ireland ?

Ceelabb CBD gummies are legal in Ireland. Once the company is following the law on CBD then there should be no issue with there gummies. When looking for CBD gummies it is always important to look at the ingredients, this is to make sure there is low levels (0.02%) of THC , or no THC at all.

Our CBD gummies are packed full of flavor , each tub comes with 4 different flavors gummies . Apple , Lemon Watermelon and Mango . Each tub s 750mg of CBD , so each gummy contains 25mg of CBD .Ceelabb CBD Gummies are THC free , Gluten Free and Vegan Friendly .

If you want to learn more about CBD make sure you follow us on our Social Media